Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Week 67: No Computer for You!

    I often comment about the weather, not due to any lack of content, but at its oddity. This past February must have been the warmest one that I experienced, despite a day or two of a cold, wintery burst. If the wild life here is any indication of an earlier spring, several geese and ducks…

  • Week 66: Do Not Disturb

    Mostly, I sleep really well in my cozy cell. The air temperature is cool. The section of the wing where I reside is pin-drop quiet. On a rare occasion, I might hear someone talking in their sleep or maybe a cough or sneeze. I am very happy that no one snores around me. One night…

  • Month 15: Dirty Ashes

    This week marks the fifteenth month of my incarceration. As I have noted previously, I believe first-time offenders learn their lesson within 3 to 4 months of incarceration, since prison is not a place for anyone not knowing what it really entails as a punishment. Using this logic, I have learned my lesson at least…

  • Week 64: Is Mother Nature Bipolar?

    The unseasonably warm weather for the start of February has been mindboggling but very welcomed. It’s sunny and in the high 50s and 60s, and it’s February! Just two weeks ago, the weather was snowy cold and feeling like a normal winter. Yet, Mother Nature seems to be confusing even the geese that have been…

  • Week 63: Normalcy

    The past week has been typical January weather, but atypical for February! It’s already February, the bitterness of winter has been lame, which is okay with me. The little duckling is fully grown and really hard to pick this quacker out from the rest (usually by less fat on its body). I just finished my…

  • Week 62: Honey, We’ve Been Hacked

    Two weeks ago, I noted that it was a boring start to the New Year and just the same ‘ol grind here. Then, something interesting happened…little gremlins hacked the TRULINCS platform. TRULINCS is the point of communication for us inmates. The system manages our snail mail, email, and telephone communications (this is where Corrlinks exists)…tracks…

  • Month 14: Help Wanted

    427 long days ago, I began my prison journey in Morgantown. Now in my 14 months, I have been more focused and determined to fully work towards my departure. One aspect of this goal is to being in a rehabilitative program, which lasts 13 months. One of the key reasons I asked to be placed…

  • Week 60: Another Week Down!

    The first full week of the New Year has been rather uneventful, which is not necessarily a bad thing. We’ve had some cold rain, wintery weather. Then, a really nice day in 50s so work replaced a lot of outside lights to take advantage of the spring-like weather…warm weather means a few games of pickleball!…

  • Week 59: HAPPY NEW YEAR 2024!

    So, I spent the entire 2023 year prison, which seemed like an absolute time warp. Last New Year’s Day, I sincerely asked for forgiveness from anyone that I may have hurt and solemnly focused the year on restorative and rehabilitated goals. Being isolated from the much technology is a challenge, especially since I enjoy learning…

  • Week 58: A M E R I T H F U L C H R I S T M A S

    As I have harped, holidays in a prison setting often feel like any other day since the days are all the same. It is a time warp here, so what makes Christmas feel remotely like Christmas is calling loved ones, going to Church, and the holiday meal. Our Christmas “dinner” served at 10:30 am was…

Got any book recommendations?